Why is there a higher risk of stroke for women with endometriosis?

Why is there a higher risk of stroke for women with endometriosis? By Eylül GÜN

Women diagnosed with endometriosis might face an increased susceptibility to stroke due to alterations in the levels of some molecules in their systems. Studies indicate that especially those undergoing hysterectomy/oophorectomy, have an approximately 30% higher risk of stroke. Dr. Mormile…

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Is continuous hormonal treatment safe and healthy method for endometriotic patients?

Is continuous hormonal treatment safe and healthy method for endometriotic patients? By Selma Oransay

One of the studies related to the search for new markers in pathophysiologic causes of endometriosis is circulating microparticles and their subset "tissue factor". In response to damage, activation, or apoptosis, these microparticles are found in human plasma, urine, saliva,…

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